Новые персоны
Shahed Amanullah
Co-founder and CTO at Affinis Lab
Austin/Round Rock
Dr. Mokhtar Maghraoui
Scholars and foundation scholar for Al-Madina Institute.
Atlanta, GA
Sana Ullah
Panhandle (Florida)
Imam Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid
Religious and spiritual leader (Imam) of The Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood Inc
New York City
Hasan Minhaj
New York City
Saad Malik
Co-Founder and Chairman of American Muslim
New York City
Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy
Syrian-born American Islamic scholar, theologian, and a Medical doctor.
Atlanta, GA
Sheila Musaji
Member of Missouri US Attorney's Hate Crimes Task Force
Imam Mohamed Hag Magid
Imam of All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center
Sterling Heights
Imam Khalid Latif
Executive Director of the Islamic Center at NYU
New York City
Shamsi Ali
Imam and Interfaith activist, President of Nusantara Foundation and MFA
New York City
Mariam Sobh
Founder of Hijab Trendz
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