Новые персоны
Linda Sarsour
Civil rights activist and executive director of the Arab American Association of New York and Co-Founder of MPOWER Change.
Rafi-uddin Shikoh
CEO Dinar Standard
New York City
Siraj Wahhaj
African-American imam of Al-Taqwa mosque
New York City
Chris Abdur-Rahman Blauvelt
CEO and Co-Founder of Launchgood
Michigan City
Feisal Abdul Rauf
Founder and President of Cordoba House, Imam of Masjid Al-Farah, and author of Defining Islamic Statehood and Moving the Mountain.
New York City
Dr. Mokhtar Maghraoui
Scholars and foundation scholar for Al-Madina Institute.
Atlanta, GA
Salim Kassam
Co-founder and acting editor-in-chief of The Muslim Vibe
Ruslan Sabirzyanov
Sharia specialist of Department of coordination of extension in Islamic Bank, Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
Alyautdinov Rinat Rafailovich
Имам мечети Ярдэм
Tahir Mirza
Founder and CEO at The Muslim Lifestyle Expo
Salah Mezhiev Mitevic
Муфтий Чеченской Республики
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