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    Yaz The Spaz
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Последнее изменение этой страницы: 04:39, 23 ноября 2015

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Jasmine Canaries
Founder of Yazthespaz

Yasemin Kanar, popular known as Yaz the Spaz, catapulted to fame when her hijab-styling and make-up tutorial videos amassed huge followings online because she showed Muslim women how they can look stylish while maintaining modesty. Prior to becoming a Muslim YouTube star and contributing writer at Aquilla Style and Chic Muslimah, Kanar worked at a bakery decorating fondant cakes for five years. Now, Kanar sells her own product line at her online store, as well as provides and makeup services for weddings and other special occasions. She has also dabbled in acting, making her film debut with a role in a small-scale production, American Sharia, and also engages in numerous volunteer work and charity efforts. "My name is Yasemin, born and raised in the US. My mother is Cuban and Father is Turkish. Always had a passion for the arts, music, and pretty much anything were I was able to express myself in ways that only I could control. I first started doing make-up many years ago, just by collecting as much as I could but never really knowing how to use it. In the recent years is where I took the time to explore the colorful world of Make-up from a different perspective. Many thanks go out to all who ever let me do their make-up or even their hijabs, because it was with those that I was able to learn with and grow. I also work at a Bakery decorating Fondant cakes. Imagination is something that No One can take away from you and I feel that I have been able to explore my inner self fully with the support of family and friends, but mostly from the love of my life, My MOM. "She is my inspiration, my rock, my motivator, and my everything!" :) I'm a very artsy person, but I do have a studious side as well. I am currently a University graduate who majored in Biological Sciences. Hopefully one day, I aspire to become a Physicians Assistant and/or become a business women."


#3 for 40 under 40 most influential Muslims in America.

Thoughts on beauty.

“Beauty starts from within so make sure your heart is shining bright!”